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Postcodes with the most lost super

Postcodes with the most lost super

According to ATO data released in August 2016, $11.7bn is sitting in lost super accounts. Super is considered 'lost' when a fund is unable to contact the individual and hasn't received a contribution to an account for 5 years. The ATO reports that the postcode with...

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New withholding obligations for Australian real estate

New withholding obligations for Australian real estate

The new Foreign Resident Capital Gains Withholding (FRCGW) regime commenced on 1 July 2016 and imposes withholding obligations on purchasers of certain assets which are classified as Taxable Australian Property (TAP). TAP includes direct interests in land, leases and...

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5 financial challenges that women face

5 financial challenges that women face

Are you a woman who would like to grow your wealth and save for the future? Do you sometimes feel that it’s impossible to get ahead? If that sounds like you these could be some of the reasons why. Read the full article

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Borrowing to invest with your SMSF – Part 2

Borrowing to invest with your SMSF – Part 2

Criteria for borrowing within an SMSF For the trustee of an SMSF to be permitted to borrow for investment purposes the borrowing must be set up under an arrangement that satisfies certain criteria. These include that: The loan is used to purchase an allowable asset...

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Superannuation policy up in the air

Superannuation policy up in the air

The main superannuation policy changes proposed by the Coalition going into the recent election are summarised below. The most controversial of these changes is the introduction of a lifetime non-concessional contributions cap of $500,000 that includes any...

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What does Brexit mean for the financial markets?

What does Brexit mean for the financial markets?

On Friday 24 June news came through that Britain had voted to 'Leave' the European Union (EU) 52 - 48 per cent. But the debate about the implications for economies and financial markets is just beginning. For an overview of what this may mean for you take a look at...

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It’s time to lodge your tax return

It’s time to lodge your tax return

As the new financial year commences consider getting in early with your 2015-16 tax return information so you can lodge this sooner rather than later. A reminder of documents you may need to compile to complete your tax return: Payment Summaries from your employer and...

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Borrowing to invest with your SMSF – Part 1

Borrowing to invest with your SMSF – Part 1

Many investors borrow to invest. But did you know that Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) are also a vehicle to borrow for investment purposes? This means that your SMSF can borrow to acquire assets that it may not otherwise be able to afford, such as...

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Restructure opportunities without tax or stamp duty

Restructure opportunities without tax or stamp duty

The 2016-17 NSW Budget has confirmed the abolition of mortgage duty, marketable securities duty and non-real estate business assets from 1 July 2016 as planned. In combination with the new small business restructure roll-over (which will also apply from 1 July 2016),...

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