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Short term thinking

Date: 17 January 2016

When we look back on decisions we have made in the past “Hindsight” is a common word used to describe what could have happened if we had made different choices.

“In hindsight if I made the decision to buy the car two years go instead of buying the car now I would have had the car paid off by now and I could be now saving for my next big adventure to Europe”

Life gets in the way and we make the decision that is the easiest option at the time to get us through to next week.

What if instead we came up with a plan to make decisions now based on their benefit to our long term financial wellbeing and happiness.

“While going out every Friday and Saturday night is a great way to catch up with Friends we can easily end up spending $100 a night. On the other hand I could save $200 per week towards a deposit on a new house”

Now these profound words of wisdom are probably me regretting my miss spent youth, which was highly enjoyable and created a lot of great memories. We have all had our Parents or Grandparents in our ear saying stop the socialising and save your money, but we ignored them because all we cared about was having fun now.

Fortunately for me I became a financial planner and realised that my Parents and Grandparents were right. Making decisions for the long term allows life to move forward and open up opportunities that we thought were impossible.

Having a chat with a financial planner can help you develop your long term goals and discuss the impact of short term views on your future. We are not a counselling service but we can sure paint a brighter picture of your financial future.

Financial planning services provided as an authorised representative of Count Financial Limited ABN 19 001 974 625 AFSL 227232

Please note that any taxation and accounting services are not endorsed nor the responsibility of Count Financial Limited.

General Advice Warning: The advice provided is general advice only as, in preparing it we did not take into account your investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs. Before making an investment decision on the basis of this advice, you should also consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement before making any decision relating to a financial product.

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