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Home > Blog > NSW JobSaver to end 30 November – IS YOUR BUSINESS READY?

NSW JobSaver to end 30 November – IS YOUR BUSINESS READY?

Date: 8 October 2021

8 October 2021

When NSW reaches the 80% double vaccination rate, which is likely to be in October 2021, the Commonwealth Government will end its contributions to the JobSaver payments.

The NSW Government however, will continue to fund its 50% contribution to the payments until 30 November 2021. This commitment will taper the payments from 30% to 15% of weekly payroll and give businesses the time to plan ahead and get the economy going again.

So how can your business use the time before the payment ends to plan? Here are some areas to think about to assist you between now and the end of the year.

Keep reporting

If your business is currently receiving payments under the NSW JobSaver or Micro-business grant scheme, you can keep reporting each fortnight to ensure the payments keep occurring right up until the end date – and to ensure you have more time to plan ahead.

You can do this by logging into your ServiceNSW business profile to provide evidence.

The requirements include reconfirming a decline in turnover of 30% or more and maintaining your employee headcount as stated in the original application.

Some businesses may be eligible one fortnight and not eligible the next if their decline in turnover does not meet the requirements.

However, you can be eligible again if your circumstances were to change. To read more visit here: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/jobsaver-payment-guidelines

Ensure a safe working environment

Businesses are responsible under the NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011 to ensure a safe working environment, including managing COVID-19 risks.

Therefore, it is essential to remain vigilant in maintaining your COVID-19 safety plan in the months ahead and to make amendments once more employees return to work and where you welcome more customers back.

The NSW government website is a helpful tool for businesses to use. It provides a pandemic safety plan you can adjust to your workplace, updates you on the latest safety suggestions (handwashing, mask-wearing, social distancing etc.) and keeps you up to date with localised outbreaks.

To read more visit here: https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/businesses-and-employment/covid-safe-business

Re-assess your business model

The impact of the Pandemic has changed many aspects of our businesses, but in the months ahead, it might be helpful to re-assess your business model.

You might want to continue with virtual pickups and delivery services to work with customers in high-risk groups? Or have some of your customers formed new habits and now enjoy new products developed in response to the pandemic? Or perhaps a service available during lockdown is no longer needed?

Taking the time to re-assess while you still have the payment support can help you relaunch your business in a safe, practical, economical, and stress-free way.

If you would like to discuss these ideas with someone from our team call us today at our offices or email enquiries@rm.net.au

**The material and contents provided in this publication are informative only. It is not intended to be advice, and you should not act specifically based on this information alone. If expert assistance is required, professional advice should be obtained.

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