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International Women’s Day 2023

Date: 14 March 2023

On Wednesday 8th March, we celebrated International Women’s Day in all of our offices with a guest speaker and morning tea.

Mindset Educator, Grace Hull, led a discussion with our teams, touching on what it means to become a conscious communicator, in your workplace and personally. Grace runs a local business in Armidale and online (Grace Hull Mindset Education), teaching concepts and strategies that allow people freedom from limiting self-beliefs, behaviours and guiding them to discover their autonomy in the mindset space.

Plenty of discussion followed during the morning tea afterwards, a perfect topic to focus on for International Women’s Day 2023.

Thank you to all the amazing, wonderful and inspiring women in the Roberts + Morrow team. We appreciate you all.

For more information on Grace or to find out about the services she offers, you can drop her a line via hello@gracehullmindseteducation.com


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