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Restructure opportunities without tax or stamp duty

Restructure opportunities without tax or stamp duty

The 2016-17 NSW Budget has confirmed the abolition of mortgage duty, marketable securities duty and non-real estate business assets from 1 July 2016 as planned. In combination with the new small business restructure roll-over (which will also apply from 1 July 2016),...

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Contributing shares to your SMSF – Part 2

Contributing shares to your SMSF – Part 2

Let’s look at how it works – a case study David has a portfolio of direct shares in his own name: Some of the shares have increased in value during the period he has owned them, and others have decreased in value All of the shares yield an annual dividend which is...

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Contributing shares to your SMSF – Part 1

Contributing shares to your SMSF – Part 1

Many investors have a personal share portfolio. When it comes to your SMSF, did you know that you can contribute more than simply cash? You are also able to contribute listed shares. What are the advantages of transferring personal shares to your SMSF? Tax benefits...

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What drives interest rate changes?

What drives interest rate changes?

Economic outlook Changes to the official cash rate are based on the outlook for economic growth and inflation. The RBA uses a number of economic indicators such as employment, investment spend, consumer and business confidence and the housing market to determine the...

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Interest Rates

Interest Rates

Interest rates are the cost of money when borrowed or loaned, and are used to control inflation and economic growth. But why do interest rates rise and fall, and how can they affect you? Who controls interest rates? Movements in official interest rates are determined...

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Smart Super Strategies: Spouse contributions

Smart Super Strategies: Spouse contributions

Split super with your spouse If you have a spouse, you are permitted to transfer certain super contributions from the previous financial year over to the super account of your partner. If the receiving spouse is over preservation age at the time of the split request,...

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Smart super strategies: getting started

Smart super strategies: getting started

Superannuation can be one of the most tax effective ways to build your retirement nest egg. There are a range of strategies you can consider to boost your super savings. Consolidate your super If you’ve had several jobs since you started working, you may have money in...

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Redundancy: what you need to know

Redundancy: what you need to know

If you have been made redundant, it is important to understand the financial issues involved, your entitlements, and how to make the most of your redundancy payment with the help of your adviser. Components of a redundancy payment Once made redundant, you may be...

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Changes to the Social Security Assets test

Changes to the Social Security Assets test

From January 1 2017 the following changes will take place: The lower assets test threshold will increase, resulting in approximately 170,000 people receiving an increase in their age pension. The upper assets test threshold will be reduced, resulting in approximately...

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