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ATO Portal Update

Date: 22 November 2023

Client-to-agent linking now applies to all entity types with an ABN (excluding sole traders). This was implemented on the 13 November and includes entity types such as companies, trusts, partnerships, superannuation funds and not-for-profits.

Client-to-agent linking is a new process that further strengthens the security of the ATO’s online services to help protect entities against fraud and identity-related theft.

What does this mean for you?

Organisations possessing an ABN must undergo the nomination process in the Online Services for Businesses platform before our team can officially include them as clients. New clients are required to fulfill the agent nomination when:

  • Inititating our services as a new tax, BAS agent, or payroll service provider.
  • Granting additional authorisation to our team as an existing agent.

Please note existing Roberts + Morrow clients will not need to do anything unless providing any additional authorisation to our team.

For more information click here.

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